Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 134 - 134 - Reunion

Even when the world ended, some things were still as usual. Be it the sun that rises and falls every day, the small birds that chirped happily in the morning sunlight, mildew that covered the plants...t

Some things were always the same.

\'But our house had changed a lot since my son left,\'

Zou Wei thought as he peered at his garden. It has been only ten days since New and fresh lettuces were growing out of the stalks they had planted.

The floutingly green leaves bloomed out one by one.

He gently caressed the leaves. As if being stroked by the hand of god, the lettuce grew so rapidly that it was a fully grown plant ready to harvest.

Zou Wei plucked the outer leaves of the plant, leaving the centre blooming leaves to grow.

He then went and touched the smaller tomato sapling. Just like before, the sapling grew right in front of his eyes bearing beautiful cherry red tomatoes.

He plucked them and placed them in a small wicker basket.

Little quails ran after his feet, eating the worms and leaved.

"Go eat your fed," he shooed them away.

The group ran away.

But one of the baby quails happily followed him around, chirping ever so softly.

Zou Wei sighed loudly. He picked up the delicate little creature in his palm and kissed it. The chick rolled up in a ball and closed its eyes. "Yue used to be like that too. Like a baby quail, he used to follow me around when he was a just two,"

"Mister Zou, breakfast is ready. Why don\'t you come join us?"

"Nui likes salads. I thought I would make some." he squatted down and touched the small cucumber plant. Its vines grew fast and a fat juicy cucumber grew out of its beautiful yellow flowers.

"Wow, I never get tired of seeing that," Hary sat down on the dirt and helped harvest the newly grown cucumber.

"I never get tired of seeing that as well," Zou Wei pointed to Hary\'s prosthetic leg. But it was made completely out of metal. It shone in the morning sunlight.

"You like it? I made it look full of muscles," he whispered, showing off his new creation.

"Kid made it weigh less. Making it flashy like this is not of use,"

"Hey it can be useful, watch," he stood up and lifted his metal leg. It simply shifted into a sharp katana. "With a kick I can cut anything in my path,"

Zou Wei just knocked on his leg.

The young man toppled. "That is if you can keep your balance."

"Ouch, mister Zou, you are so mean,"

"I am being a realist. Practice how to stand on one leg or try to manipulate metal with your hands."

Hary pouted with his hands on his cheek. "It\'s too hard." He touched his metal leg. Some of the metal melted away like a little dew drop in his hand. "See, I can only control this much,"

"Try try until you can be better," Wei mumbled, placing another squash in his basket. "Let\'s go now."

"Wait for me," Hary stood up, dropping the small sphere metal ball. It fused into his prosthetic leg naturally.

Zou Wei entered the kitchen where his wife was arranging the dishes.

"I\'ll make the salad."

"Darling..." Nui gave him a tired smile.

He just patted her back and started to clean and chop the vegetables.

His wife slowly walked over to a small calendar above their fridge and scratched off yesterday\'s date. "It\'s been fifteen days since the world changed.... Yue is still not here yet..."

"Wen is sending out a force don\'t fret. He will come back home to us,"

Nui sighed even loudly. "No rational person would go to H city just for our son,"

Zou Wei glanced at her with a sad look. "I am not lying. He said he will have his guys look out for him,"

"hmm..." she picked up the cooked dishes over to the counter. It was just a small bowl full of rice, sautéed picked vegetables with eggs, pan fried chicken in paprika and a small saucer of yogurt.

She placed them all carefully in front of her.

The portions were so small.

"Wow, that looks amazing, misses Zou,"

"It\'s Nui. How many times must I correct you?" Zou Nui touched the small bowl of rice. It simply formed into two bowls and then another came and it became three.

She placed each of the bowls in front of them.

"You have improved Nui," Zou Wei parsed as he ate his portion of rice.

"I\'m not that good. I still can duplicate a huge pot of rice," she said humbly eating her food. "honey..... Why don\'t we go search for Yue? We are string yes. We can take care of those things,"

"No, those things are weak, but if they group together, they become formidable,"

"Our son is all alone out there!"

"He can survive! Just trust him,"

Zou Nui softly sobbed into her hands. "I just want him back."

"He will come back,"

She silently sniffed as she duplicated the side dishes. "I hope he is eating good food. He really can\'t go a day without eating well. I hope he is not starving my poor baby..."

The door bell rang.

Everyone froze.

This time Zou Wei did not go running to the door. He just glanced at his bowl with a small frown.

"I\'ll go check the door." Hary stood up and left the table.

Even Zou Nui did not move. She tightly clenched the chopstick anxiously.

Hary glanced at them both with a sad look. The door bell rang once again.

He peaked out the small hole in the door.

But the door opened on its own, banging n his face.


"oh sorry...." Yue glanced at him with a dazed look. "Hary... you... you are alive....."

"Yue..... you are back..." Hary smirked widely wiping his bloody nose.

Yue hesitantly glanced around. No one else was waiting for him.

His heart dropped to his belly. He tightly clenched Tian\'s hand, holding back his painful cry.

Tian ai understood his sorrow without a word. She simply stood by him, patting his back.

A bowl loudly crashed on the floor, spilling rice everywhere.

Yue glanced up. His father stood there frozen in shock.

"Dad... dad!" he ran to him and hugged him tight.

"Yue... is that you? Is that really you?" his father\'s trembling hands cupped his face gently. "You are back..."

"I am back.." Yue sobbed.

"Oh, my baby!" Nui pushed her chair away and ran to him. She hugged them both tightly with all her strength. "My son!"

"mum! Mommy~ you both are alive. Thank god! Thank god..." he cried, kneeling at their feet.

They all knelt down, hugging him close.

"My baby, why did you lose so much weight? Did you not eat well? Come mom made your favourite dishes. It\'s fried chicken." She happily wiped her tear away.

Yue chuckled, wiping his tear away. "Before that... I have someone you must meet." He glanced back.

Tian hesitantly looked at him.

"gasp!" Nui stood up and slowly approached her. "Is that you...." she touched her face ever so softly.

Tian bit her lips, unsure of how to react.

"She is... shy.." Yue whispered hugging Tian from behind. "But I kept my promise. I brought her home."

Zou Wei walked close and smiled at her. "Welcome home dear."

Tian simply nodded.

Zou Nui swiftly wiped her happy tear away. "Who are those two beautiful young ladies?"

"They are my friends, my. This is Lui," he pointed to blond-haired Lui. "And this is Juda. They are kind and sweet and helped us a lot throughout our journey,"

"Welcome welcome to our home," Nui warmly welcome them inside. "Oh, let\'s eat breakfast while its hot,"

"Mum, we need to freshen up," Yue pouted and hugged her from behind. "I stink and Tian hates stinky things,"

"Is that so? We might have to get a good smelling body wash and hand wash just for her. The ones we have smell so chemical."

"You don\'t have to," Tian shook her head. "I am okay with whatever."

"No, we insist." Nui gently held her hands and rubbed them together. "You feel so cold. Honey, bring her some hand warmers."

Yue watched them with a wide smirk on his face.

Hary moved close. "They were waiting for you, super worried."

His smile melted away. "How were things here when the shit hit the fan?"

"They both got super sick."

Yue frowned deeply. "Then?"

"They got better after taking some tablets and drinking some soup,"

Yue fidgeted with his cuffs. \'Did Trexa help? Or did my parents really become immune to the virus?\'

A loud squeak was heard and a grey thing flung itself at his shoes.

Tian instantly took out a gun, ready to shoot.

"Whoa he is a pet!" Yue stopped her.

Tian nodded. "It\'s..... Round." She whispered, pointing at Trexa\'s round butt that was wiggling around like a dog.

Yue lifted her up, cupping her in both his palms. "This is Trexa gran; she is like my little sister,"

Tian tilted her head weirdly, looking at the round rat in his hands.

"So I am siblings to a rat?"

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